Frequently Asked Questions
1. What facilities will be available in the estate?
- central water system
- central sewage sytem
- street lights
- drainage
- recreational facilities
- gated & secure community
- perimeter fence
- road layout
- drainage
- street lights
- central water system
- central sewage system
- recreational facilities, play graound for children
2. Can I change my property location?
Yes, it depends on availability after filling our change of location form.
3. How do I make payments?
A draft can be raised on behalf of SunVille haven integrated ltd or a
transfer or cheque can be made/issued to SunVille haven integrated ltd.
4. How long before my payments are confirmed?
48 hours after payment.
5. How can I visit the property?
Book a site visit with any of our sales rep.
6. What happens after I have made payment?
Your payment takes 48hours to be confirmed and your receipt is
prepared and handed over to you.